06 March 2007

GRRRR: Tech support, that isn't

Nokia N73 - macro, originally uploaded by Cremo.

Last December I upgraded my mobile phone, I was seduced by the 'X-Series' on Three as it offered free 'push email' (similar to what a Blackberry does, but cheaper!) and got a Nokia N73. It hasn't worked from that day to this for more than a day without throwing up "-25 connection errors", "Internet Connection Failed" errors and a variety of other failures..

After phoning 3's tech support line in India - I'm guessing - and argueing the difference between the services on their phone (they kept telling me how to set up the phone's dial-up email) for nearly two hours I eventually got a diretc number for Mobile Mail Support.

And then they fobbed me off.

For months.

I eventually got the email address for one of the technicians who seemed to be trying to help. "I'll phone you on Monday".

No phone call.

I emailed. "Sorry, i'll phone tomorrow."

No phone call.

I've given up almost, the service has come back on for a day or two.

Then out of the blue an email suggesting that they "have been going though some of the log files on our relay server and think that I might have found the cause of your problems. It looks like out system is having some issues with processing a certain email in the users inbox."

So an email that I've been sent is the problem? I don't see how, but willingly comply.

So now i get "Account has expired" messages instead.

They don't know what they're doing.

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