01 March 2007

GRRRR: Gordon Brown's blatant disregard for workers

tony and gordon, originally uploaded by _imax.

BBC NEWS | Politics | Anger at public sector pay offer

Having been subject to a below inflationary pay-rise myself this year (while bosses at my firm picked up huge bonuses) I can fully understand the anger - under 2% for nurses for example. When you take into account the RPI (which includes Mortgages, Council Tax - the main costs in life) is nearer 5% this amounts to a 3% pay cut.

In the days when every penny you get from your employer has to be the result of productivity increases, being more flexible, taking on more responsibility and doing the work of laid-off colleagues, this is just heartbreaking.

Work harder, for less money, for a worse standard of living, with less job security, cor blimey Gordon, we're gonna vote for you, aren't we.

Oh, I forget, we don't get a choice.

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