08 March 2007

GRRRR: Evan Davis, and others can you please stop recapping

Dragon's Den On the Telly, originally uploaded by Mupwangle.

You know on Dragons' Den, where the 'investors' "invest their own money", and the contestants "have to get all the money they asked for, or they leave with nothing". Yeah?

Yes so does everybody! It's been going for about four series now, the rules haven't changed, Sepp Blatter's not in charge, and they weren't complicated to start with. So why does the bloody narrator, BBC Economics Editor Evan Davis, tell us every five minutes?

It's because the programme makers think we're stupid. Every time you hear a factual programme on TV recap, they're patronising you.

(And on commercial TV - everytime they ask you to phone in with your opinion they're valuing your views at exactly the price of the call.)

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