28 May 2007

GRRRR: Sign on, for bullshit

Sign any petition on petitions.pm.gov.uk by all means, but don’t expect it to inform the governments thinking in any way. From the ‘road pricing’ one to the one pleading for help to stop the dreadful wage slashing in the name of equality that Staffordshire County Council are up to , the responses are a list of reasons why the government will not change its position.

They’re in thrawl to big business and certain pressure groups - ‘the public’ will not influence them one bit.

What is really needed in any case is an organised campaign - a coalition of driven individuals, focused and abale to respond in the media.

I’m off to create a petition to urge the PM to “take notice and act upon one of these petitions, instead of just emailing signatories with a link to a list of excuses.”

Is it a conspiracy theory to suggest that the internet petiton site is one of Tony Blair's great spin masterpieces? It’s so easy to set one up that no actual orgaisation or well thought-through campaign is needed - people don’t have to communicate, organise or form into groups that can pressure government.

Enter your email and we can tell you all, individually, why we’re not listening.

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